I’ll apologise to myself later and to you now but I’m afraid Gordon’s stumbling month has led me to stray in to the murky world of politics. What a performance from the big man! Refusing to say sorry for his trusted aide's devilish attempt to discredit some Tories with naughty playground rumours. Refusing to recognise his very own hand on the wheel which slammed our economy so hard against the rocks - we’re taking on more water than the titanic and we all know what happened there. Refusing to recognise the sacrifices Gurkhas have made in the name of our country. Refusing to address his ‘embattled’ home secretaries' inadequacies and of course refusing to sort out MP’s expenses as an entire population demanded.

There’s a common theme here. He doesn’t seem to do very much apart from bumble his way from crisis to crisis, perhaps working on the premise that if ‘we F*** something else up, then people will forget about this one’. All of this leaves me with a problem as big as his. Who to vote for next year? You see I’ve never adopted a colour, I’m what’s known as a ‘floater’- someone who’ll come ashore which ever way the wind is blowing strongest (as long as I‘m not aboard the good ship Gordon, in which case my inability to swim will likely be the death of me). If I am voting - I’ll vote for two main reasons:-
1) the party offering the most policies and vision I agree with.
2) the figurehead of that party - it has to be someone if not who you can put your faith in, then who you feel at least won’t embarrass us and will only let us down a lot, not completely.

This ideology provides me with a very real problem come next year. I didn’t vote last time round and felt a guilty irresponsibility because of it.…… I would have voted labour again as Howard was simply unelectable, a Kinnock of our times. I didn’t because principally I disagreed so strongly with the Iraq war. If any other country, say Russia or Iran had waged war against the international community's wishes - I’d speculate that the ramifications would have seen them fighting two wars not one. The fact that we know now there was no justification whatsoever - hardly helps the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis and coalition soldiers, or the millions of lives left shattered.

Back to the now and I think we’ve all had enough of this labouring ramshackle government, or at least the man at the helm. But the viable blue alternative serves up a policyless (new word???) goldfish of a man who is weaker than a Tetley teabag in a bath. He’ll denounce whatever the current hot-topic labour is inevitably struggling with and take the populist opposite without ever formulating a genuine policy of his own. Have I mentioned Kinnock ???? He’s certainly not a man to lead our country or go toe to toe with the mighty Obama now is he!

As I sign-off, I’ve allowed myself to chuckle again at those attempts to make discrediting rumours up. I mean come on, from educated grown men -it’s ridiculous. I was talking about it with my friend the other day and whilst we laughed - he did in general tend to agree with my current take on things. Interestingly, he also told me he had heard Gordon decided against sacking Jacqui in case she exposed the phone call he had made to her husband to get the number for that channel.
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